
This lab will teach you how to backup and restore your system using the 'dump' utility.
Install a base system on a workstation.


You will require your install CD and a blank CD or three for this procedure.
NetBSD has different device naming habits than linux.
The cd device is not /dev/cdrom.


Run this command:
dmesg|grep cd

Write the output you see:

Mount your install CD. The mount command needs a type argument "cd9660" and a mount point. /mnt will do for the mount point.
The device name is /dev/cd0a
Write a valid mount command (see man mount):

Change directory into /mnt. Write the list of files:

Look at man umount, and perform the steps necessary to eject the CD.
Write them out:

Get a dhcp IP. Get the file usr_dump from the ftp server at in the dumps directory. Put this file in /var.

You can restore with /usr mounted, but it is best done in single user mode.
Research how to get to single user mode on the net.


Explain what is meant by single user mode:

Write the command to go single user and context for this command.

Restore the /usr filesystem from the backup using this command:

restore -rf /var/usr_dump

Reboot to multiuser mode.
Now make a backup of /usr using the dump command:

mkdir /var/dumps
dump -u -s 100000 -d 100000 -0f /var/dumps/usr_dump /usr

What does each option do (see man dump)?

Write out the "passes" that dump goes through.

Write out the size of the dump file.

What is the utility that lets you browse a dump file? Write out the valid command to do this.


Next we burn the backup to CD. There are 2 utilities, mkisofs and cdrecord.
I have them preinstalled.

You can make an iso image of the /usr directory, or you can make an iso image
of a directory that contains the filesystem dumps.
We'll do the second procedure, assuming the dump is in /var/dumps.

Run this command with a blank CD in the drive.

    mkisofs -J /var/dumps | cdrecord dev=/dev/rcd0d -
Note: you cannot run this command if you are using VirtualPC, you can skip it.


Finally, unpack pkgsrc (installed to /usr/local when you restored the dump), and install tcsh (in shells).

Where is the binary installed?

What is the file controlling valid shells for users?

Last updated: 2008-01-15
Updated by: Allan Jude

Written by: Allan Jude (2007)