
This lab will cover:


  • Do a regular NetBSD Install
  • Set a strong root password
  • fetch the root_certs.p7b file from ftp, (BINARY MODE!!!)
  • fetch the lynx source file from ftp
  • extract the lynx source
  • read lynx2-8-6/docs/README.sslcerts (our openssl directory is /etc/openssl not /usr/local/ssl)
  • compile lynx with SSL support (requires ./configure option)
  • follow the instructions to convert the .p7b file to a .pem file, name this file cert.pem and copy it to /etc/openssl/
  • lynx to and notice how the certificate is verified
  • lynx to and notice how the certificate is rejected
  • fetch ozone.pem from ftp
  • trust the ozone CA by copying it to /etc/openssl/certs
  • install perl binary package from ftp
  • get the c_rehash tool from ftp
  • copy it to /usr/bin
  • set the executable bit on it
  • edit c_rehash and change the ssl path
  • run c_rehash
  • revisit ozone, and notice that the certificate is verified
  • Generate an SSL Key pair
  • Generate a Certificate Signing Request for your self, your common name will be:
  • Email me your .csr file, email your self the .key file


                View a certificate:
        openssl x509 -noout -text -in file.crt
                Generate a key pair:
	openssl genrsa -aes256 -out studentnumber.key 1024

                Generate a CSR:
	openssl req -new -key studentnumber.key -out studentnumber.csr


Why must you keep the .key file when you generate the CSR?:

What does c_rehash do?:

Why is it important that you be able to trust the validity of a certificate?:

Where is the lynx config file installed?:


Last updated: 2008-03-12
Updated by: Allan Jude

Written by: Allan Jude (2008)